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Walks of lifes toward Eid

I believe most people out there dah tau what happen to meet menjelang Syawal. Dugaan yang sangat-sangat menduga Miera sekeluarga. But i never took it as a big matter for me to tense of but in fact i do believe that whatever happens there's always a blessing in it. 

What i have learned through what happen to me in MMW 2013 thought me a lot. "Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too."..... 

And what i should say, you should Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power. and after all i gain more confident to stand for my rights and pride. Because what i did was just to full fill my own passion towards my career. When i was given the opportunity i never think much then just to grab it to make Malaysia my hometown and of course my family proud of me. 
To me, in what ever we're into.... the most importanat think is that we should have our own passion and courage because it is so important of all the virtues as without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage. Meanwhile, The state of the mind when it is powerfully acted upon and influenced by something external to itself; the state of any particular faculty which, under such conditions, becomes extremely sensitive or uncontrollably excited; any emotion or sentiment (specifically, love or anger) in a state of abnormal or controlling activity; an extreme or inordinate desire; also, the capacity or susceptibility of being so affected; as, to be in a passion; the passions of love, hate, jealously, wrath, ambition, avarice, fear.

....and now....... i keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. 

"Selamat Hari Raya !!!!"

Life updates and .....Journey of Miss Malaysia Tourism..
Assalamua'laikum semua ...

Salam Ramadhan kepada semua ! Semoga semua umat muslim dapat bersama menjalankan ibadah puasa dengan sempurna in sha allah..
Dah nak masuk hari ke 8 kita berpuasa kan... :))

Firstly , Miera nak kongsikan adalah dukacita yang moyang miera sebelah keluarga mama pada 7July2013.. Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dalam golongan orang2 yang beriman shaa allah..

Ok move on..
Recently Miera baru habis all the final of 'Miss Malaysia Tourism' and alhamdulilah evrything selamat dan berjalan dengan sempurna walaupun keluarga tak dapat hadir dan bagi semangat.. I did my best all the way but its not meant to be.. Bukan rezki Miera to get anything this time but it's ok. Every experience taught us a lot to make us always improve and fight for our rights for every opportunity that comes ahead.. Do not let others make us down in a blink. Freshie..?? So what.. Just strut the runway like it's yours.

 The result turn out to be something which is not expected but it has been wrote by god..
So.. hmm..

Okdon't look back and keep on moving..

Here are some of the pictures of journey towards the final of "Miss Malaysia Tourism"... Every photos that lies 1001 stories and memories...

I love them all... !!!

Enjoy !
Take care and have a nice day ahead... Thanks for peeping.. :))

Birthday Wish !
Hello !!! 

ms is back ! hehe .. 
Toay 11 June 2013.... ms kat rumah je ... takde buat apa ... 
Alhamdulilah everything goes well .. 
sebulan ms cuti .. wee ~ Grand Finale Miss Malaysia Tourism 2013 lambat lagi ... counting days, so lebih kurang sebulan lagi... ms takde la dok saje je kat rumah ni ... kena workout,research n research untuk QnA msa finale nanti. Macam mna nak jaga poist as ladylike,to answer and etc...
Voting ms pon dah 27++ !! yyeeaaayyy~ beat the rest ! hehehe.........sangat2 la excited and looking frward for the grand finale kat Grand Dorsett 7July...... and tak lama after that tu pon its Puasa.. hhoorraayy !! 
bila cakap pasal puasa...ofcourse la follow up with Raya kan...

This year dijangkakan raya jatuh pada 8 august ! Inshaa allah...
and it falls on me and my mom's birthday... huuaargggh~ indahnya celebrate birthday on first day raya..
Semoga raya kali ni menjadi salah satu kenangan yang indah... buat mama n me...

ok lari topik...
hehehe =))

senanyaa.... kan kan kan...
ms ada benda nak share nie...
ms teringin sangat2 something nie....haiz....nakk tau apa..?? ms sekarang tgh work hard for this.
msnak minta parents pon fikir 1001x. Better ms usahakan sendiri kan... takya menyusahkan parents. 
hah! awesome kan...?? hmmm "How i wish this could be in my hand one day....."
working hard for it now....

k laa... saje je nak sharing-2...agak bosan sendirian dirumah senanya..sbb sekolah dh start so sunyi bila adik2 takde...home alone....Papa mama pula kerja...but the will pick me up soon.. hehe teman diaorg gi settlekan few stuffs outside..

k take care ! 


Journey 2013........Alhamdulilah...
Hye semua...

nah~ i don't think so ada yang sudi mejenguk intai2 manja bloggy MS pun yedakk..? but anyway  it's just part of hobby to write,type and share whatever is happening to me.. wee~

Well.. perkembangan MS after shooting drama 13epi tu.. MS ada join pertandingan kat majalah..
,,,,,dan senanya dah lama dah MS join... saya apply last year 2012..then diaorg panggil fr photoshoot and interview...tup2.. dah jd finalis... hehehe... tapi baru tahun 2013 nie la diaorg adakan FINAL... Wwahh~ thrilling....

In between.. macam2 happen... friendship torn apart...pi mampuihh hang laa.. kan.....kuat gossip senanya MS ni...eheheheh..tapi orang kta barang yg lepas usah dikenang yedak..? adat la bila maju sikit orang cemburu... kalau MS nak ceta kat sni pun tak manis... kira MS sama jelah dgn dia......
ok... stopp.. "keep moving...!" Gambateh ! (add oil)

ok back to top...
.....pertandingan tu adalah PENCARIAN SI GADIS YOURS! MAG 2012...
and rezeki MS... sya dpt tempat kedua (Miss Confident) yyeeeaayyyy (^_^ft)

pencapaian MS untuk 2013... follow up dengan "MISS MALAYSIA TOURISM 2013" ....I GOT INTO THE FINAL !! banyak dugaan setiap kali MS nak capai suatu peluang/rezki atau kejayaan.... dugaan yg sgt3x menduga mental saya... tp alhamdulilah...kalau niat kita tu shaa allah segalanya akan dipermudahkan yedak....? eheheheh.... rezeki biasanya akan datang tanpa kita duga... and alhamdulilah bila diaorg call up to tell about the so thankful.....and blessed....

throughout the journey.... of the final and the finalist stayed almost a week to settle up some of our task... and grooming sessions... we did lots of visiting..photoshooting,challenges and much more.....
check this out.. !!


CANDID ! xoxo....

if u guys free..don't forget to watch us in the reality tv show at
it's out now...
oklaaa.... that's all for now....
will keep update soon....take care peeps ! mmuuahhh...
and...Thanks for viewing. Your support is my pleasure and honour. Appreciate....

With Love,

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